In the field of building construction our company has been involved in the erection of urban type buildings (apartment buildings and detached houses), having demonstrated a rich experience in the whole project management, from conception of the idea and designing it to drawings, the preparation of all accompanying studies (surveying, architectural, static, electromechanical, energy, etc.), budgeting of the project with the individual works, the selection of the materials and equipment of the building, the organization of the construction site by the necessary trained craftsmen specialties and issue the respective valid licenses, approvals and all legal obligations.
Following the rules of science, art and the planning regulations we made projects that integrate security, aesthetics, ergonomics, economy with the ultimate goal of customer satisfaction.
In our new constructions we are also trying to introduce the environmental character by emphasizing the energy saving during the operation of the building.
In addition to our building activity, we have solved difficult challenges of reinforced concrete constructions such as retaining walls, underground tanks and various static problems.
In our reference list you will see our projects with brief technical information.