Architectural studies

Our basic principle in designing an architectural project is to analyze the needs of its users and to achieve the greatest possible functionality that meets these needs.

Our company provides complete architectural design services such as:

Particularly in terms of static planning and control of studies, integrated services are provided in all its applications, namely:

  • Analysis, dimensioning and antiseismic design of building projects
  • Examination of existing structures and repairs of earthquakes, fires, etc.
  • Repairs and strengthening of listed buildings

Electromechanical studies

Electromechanical studies are carried out by a department of our company, where specialized engineers with the support of modern computer technologies and software programs produce studies such as:

Study of water supply / sewerage networks
Study of Pressure / Pumping Systems
Study of Heating and Air Conditioning
Study of electrical installations of strong and weak currents

Static studies

The design department of our company has well-trained and experienced civil engineers specializing in the anti-seismic design of technical works, who are well acquainted with the Building Legislation and the Regulatory Framework governing the studies of this category (Hellenic Regulation of Reinforced Concrete, Hellenic Anti-seismic Regulation).

Topographic surveys

Our office has many years of experience in the development of all kinds of topographic diagrams and applications, possessing the necessary know-how and the necessary equipment of the latest technology.

Topographic surveys include terrestrial measurements and office work that are compiled according to the required specifications according to the purpose for which they will be used, for example:

  • Notaries (buying, selling, inheritance, distribution, etc.)
  • Issue of building permits
  • Issuing licenses
  • Arbitrary arrangement
  • Cadastre declaration – Spatial changes of cadastral charts
  • Checking the integrity and construction of plots or parcels
  • Delimitation and division of plots – parcels in horizontal and vertical co-ownership
  • Settlement – Reason – Act
  • Check – Find parcels
  • Calculations, spatial structures and elevation studies
  • Imprints of foundations, boundaries and urban lines

Fire protection studies

The department of studies may prepare passive and energetic fire protection studies for each case of a new or existing building and any use, whether simple or mixed, according to the relevant PD. and the. We undertake all the procedures for issuing or renewing the required fire protection certificates.

We prepare studies for all types of facilities:

  • Stores
  • Audience gatherings
  • Industries, crafts, laboratories
  • Warehouses

Optimization of E / M installations operation

Particularly in Greece the increased energy consumption of buildings is due to their age, inadequate or non-existent maintenance many times and the lack of modern technology in them.

Our company can undertake the energy management of buildings as well as the elaboration of energy saving – energy recovery studies.

Energy management of a building means a systematic, organized and continuous activity consisting of a planned set of administrative, technical and financial actions. Here we develop a monitoring and control program for the E / M equipment of the building, such as central heating and cooling installations, pumps, presses, lighting and periodic maintenance and interventions in order to make them more efficient.

Collection of data on the consumption of electricity, oil, gas or other fuel.
Create a database for the energy consumption of the building.
Analyze energy consumption based on the operation of the building and identify areas for improving energy efficiency.

Draw up an annual summary report on energy recording and control to the owner of the building.

Determination and scheduling of the technical and economic characteristics of the proposed energy efficiency improvement and energy saving interventions.

Energy studies

By Energy Enhancement of a space or building, we mean the interventions and the changes that need to be made so that a) it requires the minimum energy consumption in order to operate under the optimum comfort conditions and b) has the least possible energy losses.

The best way to reduce energy consumption and minimize emissions is to implement the necessary energy interventions. The selection of the necessary interventions is related to the use of a space, the location in which it is located and other factors.

The energy study of your site aims at recording its existing energy situation, proposing-selecting the best energy energy interventions and finally calculating the new energy situation of the space after the proposed energy interventions have been implemented.

Some of the possible interventions that energy upgrades a building are:

  • Alternative heating modes
  • Replacement of frames
  • Add an external thermal face
  • Roof insulation or green roof

Energy-saving solutions fit your building and deliver immediate results. Save up to 50% on your bills with thoughtful interventions at home, in your apartment or in your business area, knowing beforehand how much money you will save! All our proposals are accompanied by an appropriate econometric study prepared by our design department.

The procedure we follow is as follows:

  • We print the building that is going to be upgraded energetically.
  • We produce the necessary energy study and present the required energy interventions.
  • We value the energy interventions and deliver the economic and technical study.
  • We issue the Energy Certificate of the building.