Construction of internal sewer networks of the Municipalities of Oinofita and Schimatari-Viotia and pump stations A1 (secondary) and Α2 (primary) and pressure sewage pipeline of the Municipality Oinofita to W.T.P.. Construction of an incoming-lifting pump station of Schimatari within the W.T.P. Construction of concrete safety manholes (discharge and air vents) of the pressure pipeline. Tunneling under OSE railway lines by the method of horizontal drilling for the pipelines pass.
Construction of sewage pressure pipelines to W.T.P. PVC 250/10atm L = 5.129m
Construction of gravity sewer pipeline network, PVC S41/Φ400. Φ630, Φ315, Φ250, Φ200 L = 14.657 m
Public operator: Association of Munic. Oinofita-Schimatari VIOTIA
Funding Mechanism: EAPTA 2 Financial year 2010